Loved Ones and Hearing Loss this Holiday Season

For so many of us, this time of year means turning the cold, dark months of winter into the warmest and brightest of the year by congregating with those we love the most. For your loved ones suffering from hearing loss, however, the holiday season can be a minefield of missed conversations, awkward moments and frustrating background noise. Often, it is the very merriment and lively group conversations we’re all enjoying, that causes the largest problem.

Background noise, multiple speakers or people speaking over one another, and indirect conversation can weaken a hearing impaired person’s ability to make sense of all the noise. On the other hand, no one with hearing loss wants to be the cause of subduing the party. So what can you do to make family gatherings more inclusive events? Here are a few tips to make the fun more accessible:

  1. Face the hearing impaired person directly. Allow for good line of sight between you and the listener and speak clearly, slowly, and naturally.
  2. Use your loved one’s name before speaking. Using their name gives them time to focus their attention on what you are about to say.
  3. Limit background noise where possible. Ambient noise makes deciphering sounds infinitely more difficult. Wherever possible, turn off radios or TVs that are not being used.
  4. Try not to repeat the same words. Sometimes, you’ll have to repeat yourself. Instead of using the same words over and over, which can be embarrassing for the one with hearing loss, try to find a different way to say the same thing.

With a little extra effort there is so much you can do to contribute to your family’s enjoyment of the holidays. The greatest gifts you can give to someone with a hearing disability, however, are the tools to enjoy the sounds of their everyday lives. Modern technology coupled with a caring professional can do wonders for many. If you know someone with hearing loss in the Sarnia area, Schneiker Audiology is ready to help. Why not book an appointment today?